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Brexit : Posting of foreign workers in France

For British employees seconded to France, the maintenance of the United Kingdom social security system is by law but subject to some conditions and if they are not met, exceptional agreements may be concluded.

In both cases contributions and social contributions will be still paid in the State where the company is established, which allows its exemption from payment in France.


Since the United Kingdom has not brought Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the posted workers will continue to contribute to the British social security while being exempt from French social security contributions, under the conditions laid down in the European regulation for social security.

If they leave the European Union, their situation will depend on the agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union. If the UK leaves the EU but stays in the European Economic Area (EEA), no change will occur. And if it does not remain in the EEA, it will be necessary to determine whether employees will benefit from the old Franco-British social security agreement of July 10, 1956, whose scope is much more limited than the European regulations (the duration of the secondment is 12 months maximum).

If you have any questions about the posting of your workers, you can contact our experts. If you also wish to order our posting of workers service online, please visit our e-shop.

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Firstly, you will have to pay a preliminary declaration of secondment, by informing the conditions of the detachment of your employee (company of reception, remuneration and conditions of work), as well as his information of identity (name, first name , etc.).